A light-weight, cross-platform, pluggable, extensible and secure framework for deploying C++ plug-ins.
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File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
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|o*control.hMaster program that initiates GENERIC_SERVER, spawns a thread for each plug-in and runs message loop for that plug-in
|o*generic_server.hSingleton class to manage framework state and provide utility functions. This class stores master Vector, where all plug-ins are stored. It provides mechanisms to access all loaded plug-ins, loads and unloads plug-ins and provides TCP socket and TLS functionality to plug-ins
|o*sslserver.hUtility class for TLS. Please refer excellent documentation at:
|\*generic_plugin.hThis is the base class for all plugins. All plug-ins should derive from this class. This class has a bunch of virtual functions that all plug-in could/should implement. In addition to virtual functions, this class also provides a lot of utility functions for all plug-ins
||\*sample.hThis is a plug-in to demostrate usage of generic_server. This class is derived from GENERIC_PLUGIN, it implements a bunch of virtual functions
| o*sample2.cpp
| \*sample2.hThis is a plug-in to demostrate usage of generic_server. This class is derived from GENERIC_PLUGIN, it implements a bunch of virtual functions
|o*sample_client.cppThis is a sample client program that interfaces with GENERIC_SERVER framework
|o*sample_client2.cppThis is a sample client program that interfaces with GENERIC_SERVER framework